EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communications
Surplus filter from NEC retuned from 5731MHz to 5761MHz
Sept. 9th 2020
Low Noise Frontend for 13cm band EME
Aug. 29th 2020
How well works a K&L 1990 MHz lowpass filter in the 13cm band ?
Aug. 20th 2020
A surplus 4 pole S-band filter modified and retuned to 2320 MHz
Aug. 19th 2020
50 Ohm 1250W dummy load SPINNER BN154796
July 18th 2020
50 Ohm 150W dummy load based on Filtronics 921-0028 load assembly
May 23rd 2020
High Power 2320-2400 MHz quadrature hybrid coupler
Feb. 7th 2020
1296 MHz lowpass filter with harmonic notches and integrated reflectometer
Feb. 2nd 2020
2.3 GHz low noise amplifier KUHNE MKU LNA 231 AH
Jan. 23rd 2020
KUHNE MKU-342A LNA for the 9cm band
May 1st 2019
S-Band Low Noise Amplifier LNA2420
Jan. 24th 2019
Low Noise Amplifier for 23cm band EME
Nov. 4th 2018
A low cost signal generator for 54 MHz to 13.4 GHz based on ADF5355 - Presentation at Microwave & EME Symposium in Gajow/Poland
June 9th 2018
Retuning a L-Band branch line coupler
May 10th 2018
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