Sounds from Space


Sounds from Scientific, Meteorological and Commercial Satellites 2022-today

This part of my audio collection is dedicated to commercial and scientific satellites. I started this separate section when Greg Roberts, ZS1BI in Cape Town, started to convert some of his old recordings from a tape recorder with elastic belt drives to electronic format. Greg is a retired professional astronomer and since 1957 has been actively involved in the tracking of artificial satellites, both by optical and radio means. Click on his picture to the right to get more information about him and his activities.

Greg Roberts ZS1BI

Many thanks to Greg Roberts ZS1BI for getting this section started and to all the other people who kindly contributed: Alois Ochojski DL3PD/SK, Roy Welch W0SL, Sven Grahn, Kurt Ringel DF7FU, Chris Gross, Mike D. Kenny, Brian Hougesen OZ1SKY, Michael Fletcher OH2AUE, Dale Ireland, Alan Banks, Paul Marsh M0EYT, Patrick DK193WN, Mike Rupprecht DK3WN, Loren Moline WA7SKT, Maik Hermenau, Jean-Louis Rault F6AGR, Dick Flagg AH6NM, Don P. Mitchell, Bill Chaikin KA8VIT, Dick Daniels W4PUJ/SK, Patrick Hajagos, Henk Hamoen PA3GUO, Thomas Koziel DG3IX, Tobias Lindemann, Josef Huber, Tetsu Satou-san JA0CAW, Jan van Gils PE0SAT, Nils von Storch, Darko Cikac 9A3LI, Federico Manzini, Phil Williams, Jos Heymann, Roland Proesch DF3LZ, Davide D'Aliesio IW0HLG, Giulio Manzoni IV3DTB/9V1FC, Fer Paglia IW1DTU, Enrico Gobbetti IW2AGJ, Raydel Abreu Espinet CM2ESP, Flavio Archelango PY2ZX, Frederick W. Krappe, Colin Mackellar, Aitor Conde, Davide D'Aliesio IW0HLG, Jean-Pierre Godet F5YG, Milen Rangelov, Francisco Alarcon EA7ADI, Luc Fontaine VE2FXL, Roland Zurmely PY4ZBZ, Rob Engberts PA0RWE, Edgar J. Kaiser DF2MZ, Egor Melcov UB1QBJ, Graham Leighton G8FXB, Luciano Fabricio PY5LF, Igor Monteiro PU4ELT and Daniel Rosentritt DL7NDR.


Object name




Delfi PQ 1

The Delfi-PQ (or Delfi-PocketQube) mission is a picosatellite developed in the ‘Delfi Program’ of the Technical University of Delft built to the 3P PocketQube form factor. Delfi-PQ consists of a core platform which secures basic functionalities which will iteratively evolve over time. Advanced subsystems, suchs as for instance attitude determination and control, as well as payloads will be developed as separate projects using a standard interface specification. Only when they are ready in hard- and software, and can be successfully integrated and tested, they become a formalized part of the next satellite, either as a technology demonstration payload or as extended capability of the core platform. Once the first complete hardware baseline exists, there will be always be a launch-worthy satellite planned ready for integration.

Delfi PQ 1 was operational until it decayed on January 6th 2024.

Jan. 13th 2022

 3 kg

On February 23rd 2023 at 20:25 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 436.650 MHz the 1200bd FSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


VZLUSAT-2 is a 3U CubeSat by the Czech Aerospace Research Center, launched with SpaceX on January 13th 2022. The primary payload of the mission are two experimental Earth observation cameras, secondary payloads include radiation monitoring instruments, gamma ray burst detectors and X-ray detectors.

Jan. 13th 2022

 3 kg

On October 15th 2022 at 20:48 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.325 MHz the 4800bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.

MinXSS 3

INSPIREsat-1 (International Satellite Program in Research and Education 1) is a student satellite developed by Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology (IIST), in association with University of Colorado, USA. Other contributors are NTU, Singapore and NCU, Taiwan.

INPIRESat-1 is a pathfinder for international collaboration in space science missions carrying payloads and spacecraft components developed by multiple nations. The two science payloads onboard the spacecraft are:

- A NASA-funded payload called the Dual Aperture X-Ray Solar Spectrometer (DAXSS) that will measure solar radiation in soft X-Rays to better understand solar coronal heating processes. This payload is also called MinXSS 3 and is based on the instrument flown on MinXSS 1 and 2.

- An in-situ Ionosphere probe called the Compact Ionosphere Probe (CIP) developed by NCU.

Feb. 14th 2022

8 kg

On September 30th 2022 at 17:00 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.500 MHz the 9600bd GFSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


INS 2TD (ISRO NanoSatellite 2TD) is a nanosatellite developed by ISRO as a technology demonstrator satellite, which is a precursor to the India-Bhutan joint satellite (INS-2B).

Having a thermal imaging camera as its payload, the satellite benefits the assessment of: land surface temperature; water surface temperature of wetlands/lakes; delineation of vegetation (crops and forest); and thermal inertia (day/night).

Feb. 14th 2022

18 kg

On October 21st 2022 at 06:42 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 435.080 MHz the 1200bd FSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.

Oregon Satellite 0

OreSat 0 (Oregon Satellite 0) is an 1U CubeSat mission by Portland State University to provide flight heritage to the OreSat bus, an open source card-cage based system that is ideally suited for education CubeSat projects involving interdisciplinary teams of students.

It was launched to a 525 km sun synchronous low earth orbit aboard Astra's LV0009 rocket on March 15th 2022.

March 15th 2022

1 kg

On October 27th 2022 at 05:13 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 436.500 MHz the 9600bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.



PlantSat (Satellite of the University of Chile for Aerospace Investigation)is a 3U CubeSat satellite, built by students and engineers of the University of Chile. Its main mission is to monitor the behavior of a plant in a microgravity environment and in extreme conditions of solar radiation.

Its goal is to study in low earth orbit the growth of a suitable plant, replicating the conditions that life will experience on Mars’ surface. These conditions include low gravity force and high solar radiation.

The 3U CubeSat satellite, provided by GomSpace, consists of two units containing the satellites systems (based on SUCHAI 2) and one unit consisting of the biosphere payload. The proposed plant genus for PlantSat is Tillandsia. This is a hardy genus that can be found all across the neotropics, high up in the mountains of the Andes and down to the shores of the Atacama desert. This hardiness and versatility makes it an excellent candidate for survival in harsh environments.

Plantsat was launched on a Falcon 9 rocket.

April 1st 2022

~3 kg

On September 9th 2022 at 10:33 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.240 MHz the 4800bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


SUCHAI-3 (Satellite of the University of Chile for Aerospace Investigation) is a chilean 3U CubeSat.

SUCHAI-3 was launched on a Falcon 9 rocket.

April 1st 2022

1 kg

On October 28th 2022 at 21:47 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.250 MHz the 4800bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


AlfaCrux is a 1U CubeSat satellite developed at the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil and manufactured by Alen Space. AlfaCrux satellite is designed for educational and technical investigations of narrowband communication and its applications carried out by researchers, students, and amateur radio operators interested in radio technique without pecuniary interest. Possible in-orbit technical demonstrations include digipeater solutions, scintillation impacts in the satellite communication link, and data collection systems.

AlfaCrux was launched on a Falcon 9 rocket.

AlfaCrux decayed on April 5th 2024.

April 1st 2022

1 kg

On October 16th 2022 at 12:00 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.100 MHz the 4800bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


Planetum 1 is a 1U Cubesat designed by Planetum, a cluster of Prague observatories and planetariums, to teach and popularize astronomy and cosmonautics. The control center in the Prague Planetarium will be open to school excursions, as well as to various workshops.

Planetum1 features an active orientation system that allows precise maneuvering as well as pointing of the satellite camera with an accuracy better than 1.5°. The satellite also is equipped with a device to measure the Earth's magnetic field.

Spacemanic has been chosen to build Planetum-1. Spacemanic is also in charge of design, integration, launch procurement, and launch campaign. Spacemanic will also help with operations, that will use proprietary ground station solution.

The communication with the satellite takes place via radio signals on amateur radio frequencies which allow radio amateurs to receive transmissions and data from the satellite.

May 25th 2022

1 kg

On July 22nd 2022 at 13:04 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 436.680 MHz the 9600bd GFSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.

SharedSat 2

Platform-1 (SharedSat_2141) is a commercial 6U cubesat from EnduroSat in Bulgaria providing access to Space for several customer payloads for Earth Observation and data processing. It was launched on the Transporter-5 mission on May 25th 2022 by a SpaceX Falcon-9. In addition to its control and data downlink channels, it emits periodic beacons in AX.25 format in the commercial UHF range.

May 25th 2022

~ 7 kg

The download signal of Platform-1 was received on September 10th 2024 at 16:45UTC on 400.360 MHz by Igor PU4ELT. It is comprised of a melody "The Imperial March" (Star Wars) followed by 2 packets of 4800bps GFSK AX.25 G3RUH.

Recording kindly provided by Igor PU4ELT.


The Norwegian SelfieSat is a 2 unit CubeSat mission built by Orbit NTNU, a volunteer student organization educating future space engineers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

The purpose of the satellite is to display a selfie of any person on earth, which will be uploaded from the ground station at NTNU. The external LCD-display displays pictures sent in by the public. A camera mounted on a measuring tape arm photographs the screen with the Earth in the background. The space-selfie will be sent back to Earth. SelfieSat is equipped with 5 cameras; one selfie-camera, two on the sides (x- and y-) and one on the antennas-side. Through SelfieSat, Orbit will gain unique experience in building satellites and launching them to space.

The satellite was launched on May 25th 2022 by a Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) rocket on the Transporter-5 rideshare mission onboard of the Vigoride 3 space tug and was deployed at the end of August 2022.

May 25th 2022

1.8 kg

On January 8th 2023 at 13:15 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.500 MHz the 9600bd FSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


RANDEV (Repeater Arrangement & Disaster Early View)) is a South Korean 3U-CubeSat designed by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). RANDEV conducts an earth observation mission to collect potential hazard image data from volcanoes, coasts, and clouds. Payloads are hyper-spectral camera, S-band receiver, UHF- and X-band transmitter. The antennas are used to conduct store & forward and satellite internet missions.

June 21st 2022

~3 kg

On October 31st 2023 at 15:25 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 436.030 MHz the 1200bd BPSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


MIMAN (Monochrome Imaging for Monitoring Aerosol by Nanosatellite) is a South Korean 3U-CubeSat (10 cm × 10 cm × 34 cm ) for monitoring fine dust on the Korean Peninsula designed by Yonsei University. It is equipped with an optical camera and antennas for communication. It transmits images with a resolution of 200 m or less in the area of 400 km × 400 km above the West Sea once every two days to the ground. The image sent down to the ground is provided to the fine dust research team after appropriate correction so that it can be used as research data.

June 21st 2022

~3 kg

On August 21st 2022 at 15:23 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 436.500 MHz the 2400bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


CTIM-FD (Compact Total Irradiance Monitor Flight Demonstration) is a 6U CubeSat technology demonstration mission of a next-generation Compact Total Irradiance Monitor that will help to provide an understanding of Earth’s climate change by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Incoming radiant energy from the sun is measured as the total solar irradiance, which is a natural factor that changes our climate (also called a climate forcing). Total solar irradiance has been measured from space by a 40-year, uninterrupted sequence of instruments. CTIM will allow measurements to be made with the same accuracy and long-term stability while using a much smaller instrument.

Lighter and more compact, CTIM features several improvements to the original TIM design. In particular, CTIM’s novel Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube (VACNT) bolometers mark a significant milestone in the quest to develop lightweight components for CubeSat-compatible instruments. These silicon-based bolometers will dramatically reduce the weight of the CTIM CubeSat without compromising its ability to measure the total irradiance of the sun (200 – 2400 nm) with an uncertainty of <0.01% and a stability of <0.001%/year.

CTIM decayed on December 3rd 2023.

July 2nd 2022

~6 kg

On August 27th 2022 at 15:28 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.250 MHz the 9600bd GFSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


Vizard SS1 is a Russian 3U CubeSat by the Moscow companies Vizard and NIS LLC. It carries AIS and KINEIS payloads for Arctic studies.

The payload of the satellite consists of a device for the international system of the Internet of Things KINEIS and an automatic vessel identification system.

Students of Moscow schools took part in the development of the payload. They worked on the project in engineering and IT classes at schools, as well as at the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity at the Science Park of Moscow State University.

Aug. 9th 2022

2.34 kg

On September 3rd 2022 at 08:45 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.800 MHz the 2400bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


Kuzbass-300 is a Russian 3U CubeSat developed by regional students, scientists and students of the Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzGTU) on the satellite CubeSat platform OrbiCraft-Pro SXC3 of SPUTNIX (a member of Sitronics Group). It will carry out remote sensing of the Earth, conduct fire monitoring in the region and throughout the Russian Federation.

The payload of the satellite will allow::
conduct research and observations,
monitor changes occuring on the Earth’s surface using a special camera

The satellite's equipment will transmit telemetry data, voice messages, and images to Earth! It is a kind of broadcast ad from space, in which all the inhabitants of the Earth are invited to Kuzbass, to an event within the global Yuri‘s Night movement.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.03 kg

On September 3rd 2022 at 10:39 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.700 MHz the 2400bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


KAI 1 is a Russian 3U CubeSat developed by the employees of NILACT DOSAAF LLC, KNITU-KAI University is being prepared to launch with the involvement of lyceumists of KNITU-KAI SUNC.

The CubeSat developers faced the following tasks:

- Place on the satellite complex of cameras from which images will be transmitted to the ground complex. As a result of image processing, panoramic images of space (180-270 degrees) around the satellite will be formed.
- Install a unique thermometer on the surface and inside of the satellite, made on the basis of a fiber Bragg grater (under the guidance of Kuznetsov A.A., Associate Professor of Photonics and Microwave Technologies of IRET).

For amateur radio service, the satellite can transmit a presence signal (beacon) in Morse code format and AX format in the format of AX.25 AFSK1200. Beacon frequencies: 435665 kHz, 435765 kHz. Additionally, each of the two on-board radio transmitters can be switched to the CM mode of the 145 MHz-435 MHz transmitter, allowing radio amateurs to broadcast for thousands of kilometers.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.6 kg

On September 9th 2022 at 09:58 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 435.665 MHz the 1200bd AFSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


CubeSX-HSE 2 is a 3U CubeSat, built on the OrbiCraft-Pro 3U platform of the SPUTNIX (part of the Sitronics Group). The spacecraft consists of three units built on a single frame. One of the units holds the propulsion system, the second includes all boards for the satellite's operation, and the third carries the payload - an experimental camera for remote sensing of the Earth and the Automatic Identification System (IAS) for monitoring ships at sea. The satellite will monitor the Earth's surface in the Arctic region, and will also be part of a tracking system for ship movement along the Northern Sea Route. The satellite control systems will be tested by the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) staff and students.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.39 kg

On September 9th 2022 at 09:44 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 435.570 MHz the 2400bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


CYCLOPS is a Russian 3U CubeSats with an technology mission developed by D.F. Ustinov “MMI” (Military Mechanical Institute) BSTU with the joint participation of schoolchildren, students and university staff. The CYCLOPS spacecraft was developed on the OrbiCraft-Pro SXC3 satellite CubeSat platform of the SPUTNIX company (part of the Sitronics Group).

CYCLOPS satellite will carry out the following experiments:

- stabilization and positioning of its optical device;
- observation of the Earth's surface;
 investigation of the properties and efficiency of energy storage;
- technical solutions development for creating a lunar rover;
- a study of degradation of the characteristics of materials and parameters of electronic devices in outer space.

Aug. 9th 2022

2.59 kg

On September 17th 2022 at 08:39 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 436.050 MHz the 2400bd FSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


UTMN is a Russian 3U CubeSats with an environmental mission developed by Samara Medex. Pupils, students and scientists of the Tyumen State University (TSU) together developed the satellite, and the satellite itself was created on the OrbiCraft-Pro SXC3 satellite CubeSat platform of SPUTNIX (part of Sitronics Group).

CubeSat UTMN is equipped with a camera which allows:

- investigate oil spills in the Arctic,
- transfer photos to the ground,
- predict the development of the ecological situation in this region.

Subsequent processing of images using computer algorithms will allow observations and forecasts on the environmental situation in the Arctic.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.07 kg

On September 3rd 2022 at 09:07 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 435.670 MHz the 9600bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


ISOI is a Russian 3U CubeSat developed by employees of the Samara Medex company, as well as students and scientists of the Crystallography and Photonics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with a research team from Samara University on the OrbiCraft-Pro SXC3 satellite CubeSat platform of the SPUTNIX company (part of the Sitronics Group).

ISOI carries a hyperspectral imager. The data obtained from this satellite’s camera will help to build and perform static analysis of hyperspectral images by video sequences, geo-linking of hyperspectral images, calculation of the humidity index, NDVI, and other vegetative indices.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.47 kg

On September 3rd 2022 at 09:29 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 435.650 MHz the 2400bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


MIET-AIS is a Russian 3U CubeSats with an technology mission developed by students and scientists of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) as part of a project on the OrbiCraft-Pro SXC3 satellite CubeSat platform of SPUTNIX (part of the Sitronics Group).

The main purpose of the payload is to receive signals from AIS transmitters installed on ships for the purpose of their subsequent analysis. The information obtained is necessary to prevent collisions of ships, control their movement and use the data in search and rescue operations.

The MIET satellite is also equipped with an experimental plasma propulsion system developed by MEPhI.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.39 kg

On September 3rd 2022 at 10:39 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.900 MHz the 2400bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


Siren is a Russian 3U CubeSats with a biology mission developed by the Engineering Center of BSU within the frameworks of the “SPACE-p” project, supported by FASIE on the OrbitCraft-Pro SXC3 CubeSat satellite of “SPUTNIX” (a member of Sitronics Group), the team “Engineering Center of BSU“ has developed a payload that will allow them to investigate the state of lilac sprout growth in space."

The following downlink frequency has been reported: 437.750 MHz in GMSK 2400 + 9600 bps.

This frequency was not coordinated by IARU and thus the satellite transmitted illegally in the Ham Radio band.

SXC3-217 decayed on July 6th 2024.

Aug. 9th 2022

3.22 kg

The 9k6 download of SIREN was received on July 3rd 2024 at 03:14UTC on 437.750MHz by Igor PU4ELT.

Recording kindly provided by Igor PU4ELT.

On September 3rd 2022 at 08:54 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.750 MHz the 4800bd GMSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


BlueWalker 3 is prototype satellite for AST & Science's SpaceMobile mobile communications constellation.

The satellite will be to test AST & Science's patented technologies for connecting to cellphones in a space environment for their planned SpaceMobile constellation. The ~ 1.5 ton satellite will deploy a 10 m diameter phased array antenna with 64 m2 area consisting of numerous identical sub-antenna modules to connect directly to standard mobile phones.

It is a prototype for the larger operational BlueBird satellites. The first five BlueBird satellites will be similar to BlueWalker 3, while the remaining will be larger.

Bluewalker is illegally using Amateur Radio frequencies.

Sept. 11th 2022

1500 kg

On October 3rd 2022 at 15:24 UTC Daniel DL7NDR received on 437.500 MHz the 2400bd FSK beacon. Recording kindly provided by Daniel DL7NDR.


UmKA-1 3U Cubesat was created by the team of the Center for Scientific Creativity of the Podolsk High School ?29. The device is assembled on the basis of the OrbiCraft-Pro platform.

The payload elements are the high-aperture Leptonar-20955K telescope and the PlayerOne Saturn-C SQR astronomical digital camera. Before placing them in the satellite body, the project participants took pictures of the Cygnus constellation, as well as the Andromeda nebula from Earth.

UmKA-1 is transmitting on the following frequencies:

Main UHF beacon:
437.625 MHz 2k4, 4k8 and 9k6 GMSK USP & SSTV Robot72, Robot36, Robot24, B/W12 e B/W8

Secondary UHF beacon:
435.825 MHz 4k8 9k6 GMSK USP

S-band downlink:
2402.400 MHz BPSK 2Mbps

Jnne 27th 2023

4 kg

This SSTV image from UMKA-1 was received on 437.625 MHz on June 20th 2024 at 11:43UTC by Igor PU4ELT.

Recording and picture kindly provided by Igor PU4ELT.


Satellite of the Tyumen State University for environmental monitoring of the Tyumen region. The spacecraft was assembled as part of a project for remote diagnostics of the troposphere and water bodies using satellite infrared thermometry. The payload was developed at SINP MSU.

 I am searching for sound files. Please send them to

July 26th 2023

3.97 kg


Hayasat-1 (EK1HYS) is a 1U cubesat developed jointly by the Bazoomq and CSIE research laboratories, based in Yerevan, Armenia. It weighs approximately 1 kg and was launched on December 1st 2023 by a Falcon-9 from the Vandenberg Space Base in the USA.

Hayasat-1 is positioned in an orbit with 97 inclination and  and 470 km perigee.

The satellite shall transmit at the following frequency: 437.020 MHz (Possible drift for 437.019MHz) FSK G3RUH 9k6 + Melody + CW.

Dec. 1st 2023

1 kg

HAYASAT-1 was received on August 21st 2024 at 00:39UTC by Igor PU4ELT.

Recording kindly provided by Igor PU4ELT.


GRBBeta is a 2U CubeSat mission, a technology demonstration with an improved gamma-ray detector subsystem, an experimental UV camera, and various platform-side features including an attitude determination and control subsystem. Amateur radio services are provided in VHF and UHF bands while an experimental S-band TX system aids the higher bandwidth. The dimensions of the satellite in the folded state (without unfolded antennas) are 10 cm x 10 cm x 22.7 cm. The weight is 2.48 kg.

GRBBeta was established with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic. The project is the holder of the project is the Technical University of Košice, the Faculty of Aerobic and the partners from various foreign institutions cooperate on the project.

In addition to its scientific experiments, it has a digital radio for radio amateurs. Thus radio amateurs will be able to send messages through the satellite which is using the callsign HA2GRB. The downlinks are:

UHF Downlink : 436.785 MHz +/- Doppler shift
VHF Downlink : 145.935 MHz +/- Doppler Shift
S-Band Downlink : 2405.000 MHz +/- Doppler Shift
Modulation : GMSK, CW G3RUH 9k6 baud (UHF, VHF)
Morse: 20 WPM
Protocols: AX.25, Morse
Broadcast power: 1W (30dBm)
Antenna: dipole (linear polarization)

July 9th 2024

2.48 kg

The CW beacon of GRBBeta was received on July 10th 2024 at 17:25UTC on 436.778Mhz by Igor PU4ELT.

Recording kindly provided by Igor PU4ELT.

#99194 prelim

Ruzaevka-390 (RS44S) is a 3U cubesat that is part of the Space-p program . It was launched on November 4th 2024 at 23:18UTC by a Soyuz-2.1b/Fregat from the Vostochny cosmodrome.

RS44S transmits on the following frequencies:
    437.865 MHz LoRa
    437.050 MHz SSTV + AFSK 1k2
    435.750MHz FSK 2k4
    435MHz/145MHz FM-transponder

Even though it uses Amateur Radio frequencies it is not a legal Amateur Radio satellite as it has not been coordinated by IARU.

Nov 4th 2024

3 kg

The SSTV signal of RS44S was received and decoded on November 6th 2024 at 11:48UTC on 437.050Mhz by Igor PU4ELT.

Recording and image kindly provided by Igor PU4ELT.


Object name




If you have further sound tracks from space objects please let me know. I will be happy to post them here on my homepage. Many thanks in advance.

Vy 55 & 73 de Matthias DD1US               

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